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Monday, 30 April 2012


A few of my initial ideas en-corpororated my theme 'Trapped' into the construction itself

Here is a pair of trousers and a top which have rectangular pieces of fabric trapped in the seams these pieces of fabric also have ties coming off them allowing the the wearer to do it up in multiple ways creating different looks. The pieces of fabric could also conceal inseam pockets, be made with sheer fabrics to create varying degrees of transparency, and tone or colour.

My other idea was the evolution of a fabric I was working with last semester where I was trapping tights in latex. I started to work with this technique in 3D. First I found a suitable 3D smooth plastic and fairly durable object which in this case turned out to be a 6" inflatable champagne bottle. Big enough to fit around a person, and most importantly, able to create a funnel neck shape, one of Wang's signatures.

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